- Case Study -

The Right Online Ticketing Software for Long-Term Success

Why North East Lincolnshire’s leading entertainment venue went ahead with a move to Spektrix, even when the world changed around them

Grimsby Auditorium between two pink wavy lines
Map location icon Grimsby, England
Website icon  grimsbyauditorium.org.uk
Theater Masks icon Genre  Presenting Venue


Switched to Spektrix from SeatAdvisor in 2020


  • Look at the long-term value of online ticketing software, and the potential revenue increase and time savings it can bring, to build a genuine comparison between platforms.

  • Decision making doesn’t have to be onerous. Focus on quality, functionality and impact to assess technology against your core strategic goals.

About Grimsby Auditorium:

  • Seated or standing auditorium with capacity up to 2053
  • Former local authority venue, now operated as an independent company


Transparent software pricing

The last time Grimsby Auditorium ran a procurement process for their CRM system, they didn’t choose Spektrix. After lengthy tenders and discussions, the final decision came down to what, on paper, appeared to be a lower price.

Once invoices began to arrive, it soon became clear that the real cost of their chosen system - with the addition of credit card fees and other add-ons - was considerably higher. In contrast, Spektrix offered a transparent, all-inclusive plan, an intuitive interface that could bring real savings on staff time in the future, and potential to significantly increase revenue. It’s easier for customers to book online, reducing pressure on sales teams, while automation and intuitive features increase efficiency for marketing, communications and the wider business.

When Grimsby Auditorium revisited their choice of CRM in 2020, they focused on long-term value and the quality of experience for colleagues and customers. That approach made Spektrix the obvious choice for immediate improvements and lasting efficiencies.

Streamlined procurement decisions

When Grimsby Auditorium revisited their ticketing and CRM needs in 2020, they formed a small team of key staff members from their box office and communications teams. This group had a clear focus on quality, functionality and impact, allowing them to make decisions quickly based on the benefits for staff and audience members. With Spektrix, they were confident that staff would enjoy an intuitive, feature-rich system, whilst audiences would apprecate online ticketing software that made it easier to find and book events online - improving both user experience and overall income.

“I have been astounded at how easy the transition was to Spektrix, and believe this is down to how user friendly the system is and also the team working behind it, to whom nothing has been too much trouble and who have always given us full confidence.”
Claire Williams
General Manager

Caring, customer-centric software support

Grimsby Auditorium signed a contract with Spektrix in early March, 2020. When the country entered lockdown just a week later, they became the very first client to go live with Spektrix remotely.

Every organisation switching to Spektrix enjoys the support of a dedicated project manager. Ben, who worked with Grimsby, supported them through the shift to remote working, keeping in close touch with the focused team of four people who led the project in Grimsby.

Regular phone calls, Zoom calls, and comprehensive project management software kept every step of the journey on track. By summer the box office was open to customers, and the team were delighted with the ease of finding their way around a system that felt logical and intuitive.

And when the turbulence continued, they found they had the support and versatility they needed to adapt.


Accessible online ticketing

The ability to sell access seats online was key to Grimsby Auditorium’s success in gaining Silver accreditation through Attitude is Everything.

Another ‘godsend’ for customer service has been the ability for box office staff to take over and complete an open transaction. If audience members do ever struggle to complete a transaction, staff can pick up a live basket, check the selected seats meet customers’ needs, and complete the booking for them there and then - improving their relationship with audiences, and ensuring that no potential sales are lost.